Page 190 - Pure Life 35
P. 190
How to Face with Western Sciences … S.R. Noorafshan et al (189
religion; But because of its new level of science and
great efforts and efforts technology. (Mirbagheri,
around the clock. 2014: 85; Ibid, 2008: 193)
How to Deal with Western Westerners are also
Sciences intimidated by their science
Muslim thinkers' encounter and technology, and as a
with Western sciences can be result of this selfdestruction,
divided into three approaches: they do not realize the flaws
1. AntiWesternization and shortcomings of the
2. Westernization Western world. A clear
3. Analysis of the West example of this approach can
be seen among secular
AntiWesterners are those
who deny all the scientific, intellectuals.
cultural and technological Of course, Westernism does
achievements of the West. not necessarily mean irreligion;
These groups believe that These people, even if they
everything we have received have religious beliefs, try to
from the West as a cult and a make Western achievements
dark world is unusable and compatible with religion at
should be discarded. Finally, any cost.
some of its achievements can An important feature of this
be used for the purpose of approach is eclecticism and
maintaining and maintaining its obvious example can be
the system; But the goal is for seen in the liberal Muslims of
the Islamic society to reach a Iran and the neoMu'tazilites