Page 199 - Pure Life 35
P. 199
198 / International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Summer. 2023
It is only after explaining used quantum fluctuations to
the epistemological principles show how the universe was
that it is the turn of other created out of nothing.
fields, including ontology and (Mousavi Karimi, 2023: 191)
anthropology. (Misbah Yazdi,
2016: 240) - Anthropology
The discussion of man is the
- Ontology backbone of the sciences
Ontological issues are known as the humanities.
studied in philosophy, the These sciences examine each
subject of which is the most human being from a specific
general topics related to dimension and direction.
existence and the universe. In the humanities, the
One of the weaknesses of question has always been,
Western sciences in this field what is a human being? Is it
is the negation of the material? Is he single? What
principle of causality as well is its purpose? And questions
as the negation of the like that. If these questions
transcendental material world, about man are answered well,
which has distorted the its inherent dimensions and
general orientations of the effects will be more accurately
experimental and human discovered in the humanities.
sciences. Therefore, in view of the
Another example is the irreplaceable importance and
scientific efforts of the likes impact of this issue, it is
of Hartle and Hawking, who better to consider anthropology