Page 128 - Pure Life 37
P. 128

A Critique on the Philosophical Foundations… T. Dehghanpour & M.M. Gorjian (127

                       that  truth  and  reality  exist             The  Tabataba'i  considers

                       completely independent of the             skepticism invalid but science
                       mind,  and  in  epistemology              and  certainty  possible  since
                       that  is  possible  to  know              he  considers  knowledge-by-

                       reality  and  the  objective              presence  and  all  obvious
                       world. (Ref: Tabataba'i, 1985:            extensions of acquired knowledge
                       52-134)                                   as  complete  examples  of

                         Epistemological  realism  is            knowledge  and  certainty.  He
                       the  origin  and  root  of                mentions sense, intellect, and
                       ontological  realism  i.e.,  a            heart  as  ways  to  achieve
                       person  who  accepts  the                 knowledge.

                       possibility of knowing reality               Hence,  he  considers  the
                       can  accept  that  there  is  truth       sources  of  knowledge  as
                       and reality independent of the            sense,  experience,  intellect,

                       mind; But if that possibility is          meta-intellect,  intuition,  and
                       denied,  the  principle  of  the          revelation,  and  believes  the
                       existence of reality cannot be            limiting  of  knowledge  to

                       accepted.                                 sense  is  the  closure  of  the
                         According  to  Tabataba'i,              chapter of superior knowledge.
                       science, and knowledge mean               One who reaches this position

                       a valid and certain perception            will  have  a  different  attitude
                       following  reality.  (Ref:  Ibid:         towards  values,  culture,  and
                       63-175)                                   new  cultural  capitals  such  as

                         Certainty  is  one  of  the             faith,  righteous  action,  and
                       pillars  for  the  definition  of         Jihad  (holy  war)  in  the  way
                       true knowledge, and if someone            of    God.      In    this   case,

                       considers science and certainty           Bourdieu’s term Cultural Capital
                       unattainable, like the skeptics,          is developed surprisingly.
                       s/he  has  considered  true
                       knowledge unattainable.                   •  Anthropological Foundations
                                                                 Considering  that  all  beings,
                                                                 including  humans,  are  the
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