Page 200 - Pure Life 31
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Infectious Diseases and… Z. Zandie and SM. Mousawi (199

               mandatory  quarantine  of              spread  and  prevent  the
               suspects  who  violate  the            formation        of     similar

               right     to    freedom       of       diseases. (Dias and Coco, 2020)
               movement  should  be  the                 Due  diligence  is  one  of

               last resort and if there is no         components         of     Good
               possibility  of  voluntary             governance  that  assess  the
               quarantine. (Shu-Acquaye, 2017)        extent of the Government's
                  According to the doctrine           response  to  threats,  or

               of      “Due       Diligence”,         damage       and      Requires
               Governments  are  required             Governments  to  prevent,
               to control infectious diseases,        stop  and  compensate  for

               regardless  of  whether  the           domestic  and  cross-border
               threats  come  from  the               damage.  Commitment  to
               activities  of  public  or             identifying      threats    and

               private institutions, legal or         disseminating  information
               non-legal  actions,  or  natural       by  Governments  in  the
               disasters. The prevalence of           event  of  an  outbreak  of  a

               Covid-19         has      these        contagious disease is one of
               characteristics and its harmful        the  main  requirements  of
               consequences against public            the  due  diligence  doctrine
               health have been scientifically        during  the  outbreak  of

               proven. Therefore, Governments         Covid-19.  (Ghasemi  and
               are committed to taking the            Akefi Ghaziani, 2021)
               most  effective  measures

               possible  to  prevent  its
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