Page 201 - Pure Life 31
P. 201
200 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 183-230, Summer 2022
Legal Documentation of such as the coronation. In
Government Responsibility this part of the article, we
Different legal systems have will examine these legal
adopted different ways to documents on how the
control infectious diseases. Government deals with
In some countries, an infectious diseases.
epidemic is considered an In the Iranian legal
emergency situation. Some system, Article 79 of the
countries, using comprehensive Constitution of the Islamic
health laws that cover a Republic of Iran (1989)
variety of health issues, and states:
have expressed Government In case of war and
liability in the event of an similar emergencies, the
epidemic. Some countries Government has the right
also have special rules for to temporarily impose the
infectious diseases. The necessary restrictions with
following are the most the approval of the
important legal documents Islamic Consultative
to deal with Covid-19. Assembly, but its duration
may not exceed thirty
1. Internal Legal Documents
In the Iranian legal system, days and if the need
there are various documents remains, the Government
in the Constitution and is obliged to obtain
ordinary laws that can be permission from the
applied to special circumstances parliament again.