Page 202 - Pure Life 31
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Infectious Diseases and… Z. Zandie and SM. Mousawi (201

                  Also, Articles 210 and 211             -  Consideration  of  the
               of  the  Rules  of  Procedure             bill    is   a    necessary

               of the Islamic Consultative               limitation  of  a  council
               Assembly (2000), approved                 and,  if  approved  by  the

               on 2000/04/08, have formulated            parliament, its implementation
               provisions  in  line  with  the           period  may  not  exceed
               application of Article 79 of              thirty  days.  If  the  need
               the Constitution:                         remains        after      the

                  -  Pursuant  to  Article  79           expiration of this period,
                  of  the  Constitution,  in             the government is obliged
                  case of war and emergency,             to    obtain     permission

                  such     as    when       the          from     the     parliament
                  government has the right               again. (Article 211)
                  to  impose  the  necessary

                  restrictions     with     the          Due  to  the  allegorical
                  approval  of  the  Islamic          nature and comparability of
                  Consultative  Assembly,             the  corona  situation  with

                  before     imposing      the        war,  the  corona  situation
                  restriction, the full text of       can be an example of a state
                  the necessary restrictions          of  emergency.  The  state  of
                  with      the     necessary         war has characteristics that

                  justifications,     together        by extending them to other
                  with the bill submitted to          conditions       and       their
                  the      parliament       for       abolition  of  the  nature  of

                  consideration  (Article 210)        war, it can be said that the
                                                      current  coronary  state  also
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