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               202  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 183-230, Summer 2022

               has  those  characteristics.           necessary          restrictions.
               The  first  feature  of  war  is       (Mohebbi and Karami, 2016)
               the  general  threat,  and  the           In a general definition, a
               Corona  virus  undoubtedly             “State  of  Emergency”  is  a

               carries  this  threat,  because        situation  to  contain  the
               according       to    statistics       imminent        dangers       of
               published       by      various        governance  and  to  restore
               institutions,  it  has  severely       public order or security and

               endangered  the  life  of              public health to protect the
               human society. The second              existence of a country. This
               characteristic  of  war  is  its       is  a  Government  statement

               spread,  and  the  corona              that  suspends  some  of  the
               virus has this characteristic          normal  functions  of  the
               too.  Therefore,  the  current         executive,  the  legislature,

               corona  situation,  both  in           the  judiciary  and  non-
               terms      of      risk     and        Governmental organizations.
               prevalence,  can  be  an               Such      declarations       are

               example  of  an  emergency             usually  made  in  the  event
               situation.  So,  it  should  be        of  natural  disasters  or
               noted that Article 79 of the           crises  and  civil  unrest  or
               Constitution (1989), stating           after the declaration of war,

               “State of war and a state of           or the state of international
               emergency         like      it”,       or domestic armed conflict.
               considers  a  high  threshold          (Ghamami, 2020)

               for  the  imposition  of
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