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               204  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 183-230, Summer 2022

                  This  principle  of  the            powers  of  the  Supreme
               Constitution, without imposing         National  Security  Council
               any  particular  restrictions          in  the  face  of  a  variety  of
               on  the  exercise  of  the             threats, including threats to

               Council's competence, gives            public  health,  has  enabled
               the Council ample opportunity          the Government to establish
               to  confront  all  kinds  of           a  “National  Anti-Corona
               internal and external threats          Headquarter”  through  its

               in  order  to  safeguard  the          approval  and  through  this
               national interest and protect          headquarters,  impose  some
               the Islamic Revolution and             restrictions;  Of  course,  in

               its  territorial  integrity  and       order  for  the  council  to
               national sovereignty.                  pass,      it     must       be
                  Now, considering that the           implemented by the approval

               corona  is  a  national  and           of the highest official of the
               public threat and endangers            political system (the leadership).
               public health, its confrontation          In    addition      to    the

               can  be  considered  in  order         constitutional capacity, other
               to ensure national security,           laws  have  found  ways  to
               and  the  fight  against  it  in       combat infectious diseases.
               the current situation can be           According  to  the  range  of

               considered      as     national        consequences of the spread
               interests. Thus, the extensive         of  infectious  diseases  and
               and  interpretable  capacity           the  resulting  damages  to

               of Article 176 regarding the           individuals and communities,
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