Page 204 - Pure Life 31
P. 204

Infectious Diseases and… Z. Zandie and SM. Mousawi (203

                  Regarding the mechanisms            order  provided  in  Article
               of       monitoring          the       79 of the Constitution, from

               announcement and establishment         the Court of Administrative
               of the necessary restrictions,         Justice to demand.

               it  can  be  said  that  in  the          Regarding  the  basis  of
               Iranian  constitution,  both           the Government's authority to
               mechanisms  of  legislative            impose  certain  restrictions
               supervision  and  judicial             on contagious diseases such

               supervision have been used.            as  coronary  heart  disease,
               According to Article  79 of            in addition to Article 79 of
               the  Constitution  (1989),             the Constitution, Article 176

               any        imposition         of       of  the  Constitution  (1989),
               necessary restrictions by the          which is the subject of the
               Government  is  subject  to            “Supreme National Security

               the     approval      of     the       Council” may be argued. In
               Parliament.  In  addition,  if         explaining national security,
               the  Government  imposes               it is stated:

               the  necessary  restrictions              National  security  in  a
               without the legal permission              semantic  sense  means
               of  the  parliament,  anyone              the negation of the threat
               can  revoke  the  decisions               and is diverse in terms of

               and      actions      of     the          territory  and  includes
               Government  in  imposing                  different  types  in  the
               the  necessary  restrictions,             context of time.

               which  are  contrary  to  the
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