Page 206 - Pure Life 31
P. 206

Infectious Diseases and… Z. Zandie and SM. Mousawi (205

               the  fight  against  infectious           Paragraph “A” of Article
               diseases  is  classified  as  a        1  of  the  Law  on  the

               matter of Government. For              Establishment of the Crisis
               this  reason,  in  paragraph           Management  Organization

               “k” of Article 8 of act Civil          of  the  Country  (2008)
               Service Management (2007),             defines the crisis as:
               the  legislator  considers  the           It  is  a  situation  that
               promotion of health, public               arises      suddenly       or

               education,      control     and           uncontrollably as a result
               prevention  of  diseases  and             of  natural  and  human
               epidemics  as  the  duties  of            incidents,  events  and

               the Government (Sovereign                 actions;  except  in  the
               acts).    The     Government              case  of  security  and
               intervenes in these matters,              social issues, and causes

               citing  its  authority  and               hardship  to  a  human
               powers.                                   community and resolving
                  An  examination  of  the               it  requires  urgent  and

               relevant laws and regulations             extraordinary measures.
               shows       that     infectious
               diseases,  in  the  event  of  a          Article  12  of  the  law
               general      outbreak,       are       stipulates:

               considered examples of crisis             In  the  event  of  natural
               and  therefore  appropriate               disasters and unforeseen
               measures  should  be  taken               accidents, the Government

               to deal with them.                        is allowed to provide the
                                                         equivalent  of  one  and
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