Page 207 - Pure Life 31
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206 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 183-230, Summer 2022
two tenths of one percent ranging issue such as
of the general budget Corona with its unlimited
each year from the effects.
intended location. Therefore, the Iranian
legislative system has a
In addition, Article 688 series of general provisions
of the Islamic Penal Code regarding the diseases and
(2012) has the appropriate medical status of the
capacity to criminalize acts country, and therefore,
that pose a threat to public there is no specific strategy
health. According to this for dealing with biological
article, those who threaten weapons and pervasive
public health will be diseases such as Corona
sentenced to imprisonment, and this is a serious
and it is up to the Ministry weakness for effective and
of Health and other lawful action. In this
responsible institutions to regard, it is necessary to
determine this. approve in accordance with
The Act of Prevention of the principle of the rule of
Sexually Transmitted Diseases law, security and safety of
and Infectious Diseases citizens' health. Also, necessary
(1941), focuses thematically mechanisms should be
on infectious diseases, but designed to comply with
this law, in terms of Article 79 of the Constitution.
antiquity, does not meet the (Ghamami, 2020)
needs of today in a wide-