Page 208 - Pure Life 31
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Infectious Diseases and… Z. Zandie and SM. Mousawi (207

                   2.  Documentation of the           as    well     as    managing
                      International Commitments       accidents  and  emergencies
               Under the provisions of the            in    situations     such     as

               International  Covenant  on            communicable diseases.
               Civil  and  Political  Rights             The International Covenant
               (1966), all persons have the           on  Economic,  Social  and

               inherent  right  to  life,  No         Cultural  Rights  (1996),
               one  shall  be  arbitrarily            recognizes  the  right  of  all
               deprived of his life and this          persons to the enjoyment of

               right  must  be  protected  by         the highest attainable standard
               the  domestic  law  of  the            of  physical  and  mental
               States (Article 6), Failure by         health  (paragraph  1  of

               Governments to implement               Article  12).  In  order  to
               public health policies could           achieve this important goal,
               lead  to  violations  of  this         Governments  are  required

               right.  Governments  have  a           to prevent, treat and combat
               positive duty to protect and           infectious, endemic, occupational,
               guarantee  the  right  to  life        etc.  diseases  (paragraph  2

               and are required to take the           of Article 12).
               necessary      measures       to          In  many  international
               protect     the     lives     of       instruments, including Article
               individuals  and  prevent              11  of  the  European  Social

               their  lives  from  being              Charter  (1996),  Article  16
               endangered  in  their  own             of  the  African  Charter  on
               land. This includes providing          Human and Peoples' Rights

               emergency medical services
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