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               208  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 183-230, Summer 2022

               (1981),  as  well  as  Article            Therefore,  Governments
               10     of    the    Additional         that  do  not  take  the
               Protocol  to  the  American            necessary measures to prevent
               Convention       on     Human          the  outbreak  of  Covid-19

               Rights  in  the  Area  of              are likely to be in breach of
               Economic,       Social      and        these international obligations.
               Cultural  Rights  (1988),              (Ghasemi         and      Akefi
               emphasize  the  right  to              Ghaziani, 2020)

               health in a similar literature.           A  central  and  historic
               (Asgharnia, 2016)                      responsibility for the World
                  All  Governments,  in  the          Health Organization (WHO)

               full  realization  of  the  right      has  been  the  management
               to  health,  are  required  to         of the global regime for the
               strive  and  make  maximum             control  of  the  international

               use  of  available  resources.         spread  of  disease.  Under
               This  commitment  includes             Articles  21(a)  and  22,  the
               the  adoption  of  national            Constitution of WHO (1946)

               health policies in line with           confers  upon  the  World
               the  health  needs  of  all            Health      Assembly         the
               members of society and the             authority        to       adopt
               implementation of necessary            regulations  designed  to

               measures to prevent, control           prevent  the  international
               and treat infectious diseases.         spread  of  disease  which,
               (Dias and Coco, 2020)                  after adoption by the Health

                                                      Assembly,  enter  into  force
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