Page 198 - Pure Life 33
P. 198
Quantum Fluctuation… M.S. Mousavi Karimi (197
Hawking-Hartle model is physical entities
indeed a physical character
of the initial universe. (2) U i is the cause (efficient
Let us further assume or material) of U r
that in spite of obvious (3) U i cannot be temporally
differences between the before, or simultaneously
natures of time and space, with, U r, since there is no
the time has a special time before U r, and U i is a
character at the initial state timeless entity
of the universe, so that
there are two worlds: the (4) All physical causes
initial world with should be temporally prior
imaginary time (U i), and to, or at least simultaneous
the later world with real with their, effects. (Grünbaum,
time (U r). 1998; Smith, 1996)
Assuming such universes
results in the following It should be noted that
consequences which are both Grünbaum and Smith
both plausible and yet believe that temporal
incompatible: priority or simultaneity is
(1) Both U i and U r are the requirement of all
causal relationships. In this
1. Time is ordered by a relation of case, there would be no
earlier/later than, whereas spatial causal connection between
points are not ordered by any such
relation. If that relation is essential Ui and Ur even if Ui is
to the nature of time, then the considered as an abstract
notion of imaginary time, a sort of
spatialized time, is metaphysically non-physical entity. Some