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               198  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 169-217, Winter. 2023
               objected, however, that the            165-6) replies:
               generalization       of      the          But  a  response  of  this

               condition      of     temporal            sort  misses  the  point  of
               priority  to  all  cases  of              the  criticism.  The  point
               causations is accidental and              is     not      that      the

               problematic. (Ref: Craig, 1999;           description of the Planck
               Ibid, 2002)                               era  is  inconsistent  with
                  Another  formulation  of               classical  (general  relativistic)

               the  above  problem  is  what             concepts.  The  point  is
               Smith  (1997b:  163)  calls               that      the      temporal
               “The  central  problem  of                description       of      the

               quantum gravity ontology”:                relation of the Plank era
               How is the imaginary time                 to  the  classical  era  is
               of  the  Euclidean  spacetime             inconsistent with itself. It

               connected  to  the  real  time            is    an    implicit    self-
               of our Lorentzian spacetime?              contradiction  to  assert
                  By  analyzing  possible                that  a  four-dimensional
               answers  to  the  question,               space existed earlier than

               Smith shows that there is a               the earliest time.
               contradiction       in     such
               models  which  use  the                   Smith  (1997b)  himself

               notion of imaginary time.              has  proposed  a  solution  to
                  To those who object that            his  formulation  of  the
               the criticism is based on the          problem,  which  is  highly

               applying  classical  notions           controversial.  He  probably
               of  space  and  time  to  the          recognizing       the    above
               Plank  era,  Smith  (1997b:            inconsistency in the model,
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