Page 191 - Pure Life 35
P. 191
190 / International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Summer. 2023
of Egypt. (Khosropanah, legitimacy, etc., we can take
2022: 26; Goli and Yousefian, examples from the West; But
2010: 121&130) corruption, nudity, hedonism,
Western scholars distinguish worldliness, etc. are
between the achievements of unacceptable. In the case of
the West in various fields. Western science, a distinction
They accept whatever is good must be made between
for society and compatible different disciplines.
with religion; and they reject A clear example of this
what they consider to be approach can be found in the
against the interests of the thoughts of Supreme Leader
individual and society or (Imam Khamenei, 2005),
incompatible with religion. Shahid Motahari (Motahari,
In this view, even Western 2002: 32; Jamshidi, 2015: 1)
culture is not left out in and other theorists. The
general. In this context, it is Islamic Revolution was observed
very important to be fully especially by Ayatollah
acquainted with the existing Misbah Yazdi.
human sciences, criticize the From the viewpoint of
views and complete the Ayatollah Misbah Yazdi in
human sciences, which Islamic teachings, the discovery
Ayatollah Misbah emphasizes. of truth is of great value.
(Ishaghi, 2019: 67) Regardless of time and place
In matters such as effort and religion, finding knowledge
and planning, social order, means reaching the respected