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            194  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Summer. 2023
               Western sciences have been             scientific    and     convincing
            distorted by over-emphasis on             method  is  the  experimental
            the  sensory  and  experimental           method. this orientation plays
            methods.                                  a significant role in scientific
               On  the  other  hand,  the             research  in  the  Western

            method  of  narration  and  the           world.
            use of revelation at the top of              Of  course,  among  Western
            it  is  an  important  issue  that        thinkers,  there  are  those  who

            has  almost  no  place  in  the           think more freely and to some
            Western humanities today.                 extent     use     the    rational
               Even  in  sciences  such  as           method,  especially  in  the

            philosophy, medicine, history,            humanities and social research;
            psychology,  and  the  like,  he          However, the dominant method
            may find propositions that can            in  Western  research  is  the

            be proved even by referring to            experimental  method,  and  to
            authentic  religious  sources,            some  extent  in  the  more
            even      though      the    main         moderate        approach,      the
            methodology         is    not     a       empirical-rational  method  is

            narrative  method,  or  their             used;  But  in  scientific  and
            ordinary  sources  other  than            academic  societies,  no  value
            books.  And  be  a  tradition.            is  given  to  the  method  of

            (Misbah Yazdi, 2016: 187)                 narration  and  the  use  of
               Some  people  who  have                religious  sources  such  as  the
            been  influenced  by  positivist          Torah  and  the  Bible.  (Ibid,

            ideas  think  that  the  only             2010a: 93)
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