Page 193 - Pure Life 35
P. 193
192 / International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Summer. 2023
to us independently. Unless curiosity and truthseeking
those theories are also spirit. (Misbah Yazdi, 2016:
documented in the words of 238-239)
God, the Prophet, and the The nature of internal
Imam. (Misbah Yazdi, 2016: critique is that it will
149-150) determine the extent to which
Western sciences have
1. Internal Critique of adhered to their principles and
Western Sciences assumptions.
This type of critique is the Lack of adherence to the
kind of critique that Western principles of the subject and
scientists make of each other, the assumed methods in a
and as a result, a reinforced science may be due to two
theory or its weaknesses and reasons:
shortcomings may be revealed. - The first is the negligence
In other words, just as a and misuse of the Western
Western scientist has the right sciences by their foundations.
to critique Western science,
so too do Eastern scientists - Second, the inefficiency and
and Muslims have the right to wrongness of those principles.
critique Western science
internally. Such an Eastern or For example, about a
Muslim scientist should not century ago, psychology was
only be accused of prejudice; dominated by the school of
But also should be behaviorism, which was based
encouraged because of his on materialism, empiricism,