Page 197 - Pure Life 35
P. 197
196 / International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Summer. 2023
3. Critique of Statutory 2016: 240&250; Group of
Principles of the Western Authurs, 2012: 50)
Sciences The most fundamental work
Every science in explaining in the face of Western
and theorizing, as well as sciences is the critique and
rejecting and refuting problems, explanation of the principles
is based on the principles of of those sciences, which have
the subject outside of which a wide and pervasive effect on
science is discussed. all experimental sciences and
Scholars and theorists of humanities, and affect all
that science have either human sciences.
consciously or unconsciously Many Western sciences are
accepted those principles and based on principles that have
built the cornerstone of a not only not been proven in
science accordingly. their place; But have been
One of the most important invalidated in many cases.
principles and principles of Among these, there are
common subject among all well-known scientific theories
sciences can be the principles that are taken for granted in
of epistemology, ontology, scientific and academic
Value system, Anthropology communities; But despite the
and theology; And more world fame they have gained,
principles can be considered they are based on incorrect
in proportion to different topics principles that if those
and goals. (Misbah Yazdi, principles are corrected, these