Page 192 - Pure Life 35
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How to Face with Western Sciences … S.R. Noorafshan et al (191

            truth.  The  sciences  that  are          we  are  faced  with  the  issue
            being  explored  by  non-                 that  authentic  religious  texts

            Muslims and Westerners also               have determined our duty, we
            do  not  diminish  their  value           should  not  look  for  another
            (Quran,  39:  17-18;  Harrani             source to determine the task.

            1983:  201;  Majlisi  2007,                  This  means  that  we,  as
            Vol. 10: 180)                             Muslims who have proven the
               We  can  also  use  them  to           authenticity  and  authenticity

            advance  the  goals  of  the              of  the  Holy  Quran  and  the
            Islamic community.                        words  of  the  Infallibles,  do
               If  Muslim  thinkers  take  a          not have two reliable sources

            stand  against  the  Western              within each other to recognize
            sciences,  it  is  not  simply            our        practical       values,
            because  they  are  Western;              behavioral  duties,  and  regulate

            Rather, it is because there are           our behavior.
            some       shortcomings        and           In  the  case  of  a  behavior,
            weaknesses  in  the  Western              what  is  clearly  understood
            sciences  that  their  sense  of          from  the  commands  of  God

            truth-seeking and curiosity do            and  the  Infallibles  is  in
            not        allow         silence.         conflict with what is obtained
            (Misbah Yazdi, 2016: 32)                  from the theories of scientists,

               In  the  field  of  applied            we  will  never  doubt  the
            sciences,  practical  solutions,          practice  of  religious  duty,
            and  instructions  dealing  with          because      the    theories     of

            human  voluntary  behavior,  if           scientists can not assign tasks
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