Page 194 - Pure Life 35
P. 194
How to Face with Western Sciences … S.R. Noorafshan et al (193
and extreme sensibility, theorizing in the sciences, can
recognizing nothing but be seen and imagined in all
observable sensory behavior. disciplines. (Misbah Yazdi,
Subsequently, schools gradually 2016: 238-239)
emerged that, willingly or
unwillingly, knowingly or 2. Critique of the Western
unknowingly, violated the Science Method
principles and foundations of Solving a mathematical,
this school. geometric or philosophical
For example, Freud's theory problem is possible only
is based on the principles of a through reason and analytical
subject that is incompatible method.
Just as the experimental
with the materialism that
governs the atmosphere of method must be used to solve
psychological research and the problems of medicine and
extreme empiricism. pharmacy. Also, the method
Later, schools of thought of research in sciences such
such as perfectionism and as history is the method of
humanism emerged in the narration. In some sciences,
field of psychology, which such as jurisprudence,
severely questioned the combined methods can be
principles of behaviorism. used. These issues are studied
Such critiques, which in a science called
sometimes cause or cause methodology. (Misbah Yazdi,
fundamental changes in 2004: 86)