Page 198 - Pure Life 35
P. 198

How to Face with Western Sciences … S.R. Noorafshan et al (197

            theories     will    lose     their       principles)  or  presuppositions
            scientific value. (Misbah Yazdi,          derived from axioms.

            2016: 34)                                    However, such a trend does
               The  first  critique  of  the          not take place in science. The
            popular  sciences  is  that  it           situation  is  the  same  in  the

            violates the obvious principles           humanities. (Ibid: 246)
            of  logic,  and  before  proving
            the  principles  of  its  subject             -  Epistemology

            matter,  it  has  tried  to  prove        To  explain  and  critique  the
            and  disprove  the  material.             foundations  of  the  Western
            This  is  a  logical  critique  and       sciences,  one  must  logically

            has  nothing  to  do  with                begin with the epistemological
                                                      foundations. That is, the ways
            whether      the     critics    are
            Muslim  or  religious,  or                to correctly discover the truth

            whether they are non-Muslims              are  identified,  proven  and
            or atheists.                              evaluated.
               As  stated  in  logic:  The               In the meantime, there may
            theorems of science which are             be  ways  that  are  more

            propositions  consisting  of  at          valuable  and  useful  than  the
            least     one     subject      and        sensory     and     experimental
            predicate,  must  be  proved  by          method, or it turns out that the

            argument,  and  the  argument             usual  experimental  methods
            must  consist  of  obvious                in  the  Western  world  are
            presuppositions  (conventional            basically  not  competent  to
                                                      enter into some topics.
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