Page 196 - Pure Life 35
P. 196

How to Face with Western Sciences … S.R. Noorafshan et al (195

               Contrary       to      Western            In    their     view,     these
            scientists,  Islamic  thinkers            developments, especially since

            have  understood  the  sources            the time of Francis Bacon Has
            of  Islam  in  such  a  way  that         gained more acceleration.
            reason has a higher place than               These  illusions  have  led

            sense and experience.                     some  ignorant  people  to
               Reason  is  God's  authority           believe  that  the  method  of
            over      people       and      the       research  that  the  Holy  Quran

            distinguishing       feature     of       offers to solve all problems is
            honesty  from lies, good  from            the same as the empirical and
            bad,  and  it  should  not  be            research method (Positivism),

            considered  less  valuable  than          and  even  the  problems  of
            experience       in      scientific       theology  and  jurisprudence.
            research.      (Ebrahimi       and        And      ethics     should      be

            Sadeghi, 2023: 135)                       examined  in  the  same  way.
               Some       Westerners      also        (Misbah  Yazdi,  2013,  Vol.  1:
            argue  that  the  reason  for  the        107-108)
            progress of Western scientists               With this in mind, it seems

            in  industrial  science  is  that         that  the  Western  world  is
            they  have  abandoned  the                facing  serious  criticisms  in
            deductive and rational method             the  field  of  methodology  and

            and  have  used  the  inductive           methodological  issues,  which
            and experimental method.                  will  have  a  pervasive  impact
                                                      on the scientific future of the

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