Page 210 - Pure Life 31
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Infectious Diseases and… Z. Zandie and SM. Mousawi (209
for all WHO Member and maintain infrastructure
States that do not to monitor the reporting
affirmatively opt out of and announcing public
them within a specified health crises.
time period. (IHR, 2005: In general, it should be
Foreword) said that countries have
So, this Constitution, resorted to various ways to
includes health commitments, deal with the corona crisis,
the violation of which which does not necessarily
could give Governments fall within the scope of the
international liability. Paragraph state of emergency. For
3 of Article 3 of these example, Germany has used
regulations (IHR, 2005) Infection Protection Act (2001)
states the implementation to control the Corona
of these Regulations shall pandemic, despite the
be guided by the goal of existence of both a “State
universal application for of Tension” in Article 80,
the protection of all people and a “State of Defense” in
of the world from the Article 115. (German
international spread of Constitution, 1949)
disease. In addition, in
accordance with Article 5 Types of Social Responsibility
of these regulations, of the Governance System
Governments have a According to lawyers, a
responsibility to develop wide range of tasks and
liabilities should be considered