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               210  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 183-230, Summer 2022
               for  the  Government  at  the          agents.  (Habibnezhad  and
               time  of  the  outbreak  of            Ameri, 2020)
               infectious     diseases     and
               especially at the time of the              2.  Determining the Liable
                                                             Authorities and Institution
               outbreak      of     Covid-19,         One  of  the  most  important
               which are mentioned below:             steps in exceptional situations,
                   1.  Identification                 such as a corona pandemic,
               Identification  is  the  first         is    to     determine       the
               step in planning to support            authorities  or  institution

               human       groups     in    an        responsible. The principle of
               epidemic situation. In other           access to liable authorities,

               words,  the  first  step  is  to       if  important  in  normal
               identify the prevalence of a           situations,  is  crucial  in
               pandemic       or    infectious        special circumstances. Laws
               disease and to announce the            governing emergencies must

               specific situation that arose          designate  liable  authorities
               from      it.   In    addition,        and enumerate the scope of
               vulnerable  groups  should             their authority. The appointment

               be  monitored  and  recorded           of  these  officials  makes
               based on accurate information          them  accountable  to  the
               systems. Through the creation          people  if  they  do  not

               of  information  networks,             perform  their  duties.  As
               Government support guidelines          mentioned       earlier,     the
               are  developed  and  made              institution liable for policy-

               available  to  Government
                                                      making and coordination of
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