Page 212 - Pure Life 31
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Infectious Diseases and… Z. Zandie and SM. Mousawi (211

               actions  on  the  issue  of            be prevented. (Habibnezhad
               Corona is the Corona National          and Ameri, 2020)

               Headquarter, designed with
                                                          3.  Education
               the     approval      of     the       Education  is  an  important

               Supreme  National  Security            tool for reducing crisis risk
               Council.  (Mozaffari  and              in  the  context  of  Hyogo
               Mirzaei  Moghadam,  2020)              action.  (World  Conference
               Also,  the  implementing               on Disaster Reduction, 2005)

               body  of  the  announced               According  to  which,  the
               policies       are      various        use       of       knowledge,
               institutions  of  the  country,        innovation and education to

               including  the  Ministries             build  a  culture  of  safety
               (especially  the  Ministry  of         and  flexibility  at  all  levels
               Health)  and  the  military            is considered as one of the

               force and police.                      main  priorities.  According
                  In  general,  coherent  and         to  this  framework,  the
               focused  management  in                effects of crises are reduced

               various crises and emergencies         when  people  are  well
               is  one  of  the  important            aware.  In  this  regard,  the
               principles that through this           collection and dissemination
               coordination, service distribution     of       knowledge          and

               and  needs  are  met  more             information  about  hazards,
               equitably  and  efficiently            vulnerabilities and capacities
               and waste of resources will
                                                      is  a  priority,  especially  for

                                                      vulnerable people. Furthermore,
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