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               212  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 183-230, Summer 2022
               providing  scientific  and             present       Covenant        to
               transparent  information  by           achieve  the  full  realization
               using psychological capacities         of  this  right  shall  include
               to  persuade  those  who               those necessary for:

               refuse treatment has special              -  The  provision  for  the
               importance.                               reduction        of       the
                                                         stillbirth-rate    and     of
                   4.  Responsibility       for          infant  mortality  and  for

                      Prevention and Treatment
               Pursuant  to  Article  12  of             the  healthy  development
               the  International  Covenant              of the child
               on  Economic,  Social  and                - The improvement of all
               Cultural Rights (1996) and                aspects of environmental

               General  Theory  14  of                   and industrial hygiene
               Covenant on the Prevention                - The prevention, treatment

               and Treatment of Covid-19,                and control of epidemic,
               the  States  Parties  to  the             endemic, occupational and
               present Covenant recognize                other diseases
               the right of everyone to the              -    The     creation      of

               enjoyment  of  the  highest               conditions  which  would
               attainable      standard      of          assure  to  all  medical
               physical and mental health.               service     and     medical

               (Ref:      CESCR,        2000:            attention  in  the  event  of
               General Comment)
                  The steps to be taken by               -  Apply  useful  and

               the  States  Parties  to  the             effective immediate treatments
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