Page 214 - Pure Life 31
P. 214
Infectious Diseases and… Z. Zandie and SM. Mousawi (213
commensurate with the - Compulsory treatment
right to treatment and health of all patients in
- Establishment of compliance with human
adequate medical, health rights and legal standards
and psychotherapy centers - Epidemiological
- Free or low-cost surveillance includes
treatment of patients, controlling an infected or
especially for vulnerable suspected person, without
groups restricting a person's
- Fair and non-discriminatory freedom of movement,
behavior in the as well as conducting
distribution of health and health and epidemiological
medical facilities tests on the individual
- Declaring a state of - Cleaning and disinfecting
emergency in the event virus-infected areas
of a widespread outbreak - Adopt policies for
of the disease and prevention, control and
imposing restrictions on treatment of the disease
certain rights and freedoms and criminalizing Corona
- Perform tests and publishers
screenings to find patients - Compulsory quarantine
- Suspension of informed of patients in medical
consent of patients and centers or private homes. (Ref:
detainees refusing treatment Ameri and Habibnezhad,
or quarantine 2020)