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               214  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 183-230, Summer 2022

                   5.  Establish and Expand              revenues      and      funds
                      Insurance Protections              obtained  through  public
               Providing  insurance  and                 contributions.
               support services to vulnerable
               groups  and  victims  of                  Accordingly, having social
               crises  such  as  the  Corona          security  insurance  is  a

               Pandemic       is    essential.        public  right. This principle
               According to Article  29 of            emphasizes  the  protection
               the Iranian Constitution (1989):       of  people  involved  in

                  It  is  universal  right  to        accidents  and  people  in
                  benefit     from      social        need  of  health  services  in
                  security  in  respect  of           the  form  of  social  security

                  retirement, unemployment,           insurance.  Providing  the
                  old age, disability, being          minimum basic necessities,
                  stranded,  absence  of  a           including  adequate  food,

                  guardian, accidents, and            drinking  water,  shelter  and
                  from health and medical             medical  and  health  items,
                  services      and       care        for  the  general  public  and

                  provided through insurance          especially  the  vulnerable
                  or  other  means.  The              during  the  outbreak  of
                  government must provide             infectious  diseases,  is  an
                  the afore-mentioned services        important       liability     of

                  and financial support for           today's Governments.
                  every  individual  citizen
                  by drawing, in accordance

                  with  law,  on  national
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